After a bit of research among my online community I've learnt about some of the wild greens that my hens can eat. This morning they got two turves to pull to pieces for bugs/worms/greens ... and then I had a quick wander round the allotments and borders with a bucket. I quickly filled the bucket with handfuls of Goosegrass, Dandelions, Dock, and Chickweed... and this mix was strewn on the floor of the run. I'm curious to see what remains tonight. I'm very keen to give them as varied/healthy a diet as possible, while also keeping them from getting bored.
I also realised that I've been so busy sowing/potting on etc that I've kind of forgotten about the Mizuna that seeds itself in the poly-tunnel. The sight of someone elses harvested plants on a blog has made me think again. I really must replant some of it to grow to full size...for using in stir fries. There are also self-sown Nasturtiums which will be used in salads, and self sown Tomatoes - just appearing. I want to encourage this sort of thing as it saves so much work, not to mention savings on I'll be keeping an eye out for them from now on.
I usually have a wander round the Grainger Market at lunchtime…and today I succumbed to temptation again. As I have no sweet pepper plants I bought 3 nice sturdy Thor Pepper plants….and also to add a bit more variety on the tomato front, one each of Shirley and Sungold. I can always propagate them from side shoots if I feel like it. As they are quite big plants I think I’ll put them straight into a bed in the tunnel, covered with fleece.
Great idea to propagate toms from side shoots, many people don't realise you can do this, canny gardeners like us can save loads this way (to spend on more plants of course...!)