Sunday, 5 June 2011

Salad bowl

I have a new salad planting in the cottage an old metal planter that we found when we moved here. I put in a few spare Lettuce plants that I didn't have room for in the polytunnel....and they seem to be doing well...and are very handy for the kitchen!
Allium Christophii is flourishing in the cottage garden too and has begun to spread itself around.

Spring trip to Bradley Gardens

I treated myself to a trip to Bradley Gardens recently when I had a few hours free. After some tea and orange cake to revive me I had a relaxing wander.

Including the working area which has it's own fascination.

Localism and marmalade

A produce stall has recently been started outside our village library. The idea is that allotment holders can take their surplus plants and produce along and put them on the stall. Then, people can help themselves, leaving a donation in the honesty box for the library.

Yesterday was my first chance to go along, so earlier in the week I potted up some Bronze Fennel seedlings. I put those out, and then took my pick. This week I was thrilled to find an Aubergine plant, a Pepper plant and a tray of frilly Purple Kale that I just couldn't resist.

I'm really excited about this project as its a great move toward more local food supplies, and building community.

The afternoon's project was maramalade making. Sweet Orange Marmalade in this case .... as I wanted a change from the Three Fruit Marmalade I normally make from oranges, grapefruit and lemons.

10 jars were produced and it was very satisfying to stock up my preserves cupboard.